in every direction your paths take you.
May you never lose your sense of wonder,
you use to brighten the lives
and discover extraordinary results.
May you keep on trying to reach for your stars.
May you never forget how wonderful you are.
May you always be patient with the problems of life,
and know that any clouds will eventually
give way to the sunlight of your most hoped-for days.
May you be rewarded with friendships
that get better and better,
and with love that blesses your life forever.
May you meet every challenge you are faced with,
recognize every golden opportunity,
and be blessed with the knowledge
that you have the ability to make every day special.
May you have enough material wealth to meet your needs,
while never forgetting that the real treasures of life
are the loved ones and friends
who are invaluable to the end.
May you search for serenity,
and discover it was within you all along.